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About MummyFlett

Here’s a bit about me…

I’m a mum to two beautiful girls. There’s only 23 months between them, so they keep me super busy. I love finding new ways to grow their minds, develop their imaginations and have fun together. We do lots of arts & crafts, baking, imaginative play, classes and playing outside/at the park.

My husband and I love live music and we took our eldest, pre-covid, to a music festival and we are looking forward to taking them both again when festivals start again, hopefully in 2022! We try to spend most weekends having adventures as a family, recently we taken to long walks in local parks or woods and seeing what we can see along the way.

I hope I can help you find the answers you’re looking for with my blog, be that guidance or just feeling that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling and what you’re going through. One thing is for sure, there are always two sides to every opinion. So if you don’t like my side or you disagree with me, please be nice! I’m just another Mum doing what I think is best. I research what I write about so there is some background rather than just my opinion. I am also studying child nutrition which covers newborn breastfeeding, formula feeding and weaning. 

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