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Showing posts from January, 2022

Preparing your toddler to meet their new sibling (and building a positive relationship)

Having a baby is such an exciting time. If it's not your first baby, then you have the added joy of introducing your little one to their new sibling. But how can you do this and create a good relationship between them?  Here are 7 ways to help your children to have a good relationship with each other: 1. Prepare them for their sibling arriving  Your toddler, particularly a first born, is used to having your undivided attention, so it's really important to prepare them for the changes that are going to happen.  There's a 23 month age gap between our two. From around 18 months old we explained that there was a baby in Mummy's tummy and she would come and meet her big sister soon. Our eldest started talking late, but one of those early words was "baby". As my tummy grew, she would come and kiss the baby and wave at her. It was so lovely to see her bonding with the baby before she was born.  We also got her a dolly with a bottle, potty, nappy and a pram. I taught ...

How to leave the house with a toddler and a newborn

A question that a lot of parents who have a toddler and a newborn find themselves asking is how do I leave the house by myself with both children? It feels like such a big task! And then just when you think you can finally leave, one of them is bound to need to use the potty, have a nappy change, need a new outfit for some reason and maybe even an emergency bath! We’ve all been there at some point, but hopefully this will help you find a way to start easing yourself into leaving the house with 2 children. O ur girls are just 23 months apart, so getting everyone ready meant I had to put my toddlers shoes and layers on too as she was unable to dress herself. If you have an older child and a newborn, try to get your eldest to get themselves ready as much as possible so you can focus on getting yourself and the baby ready to walk out the door. If you have a toddler though this may not be possible, but I can reassure you that it is still possible to get out with them both. I was very fortun...