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Losing weight after pregnancy

It's normal to gain some weight during pregnancy, but what happens when it's still there weeks and months after? Well this was me! In fact I probably could have shifted a few before I got pregnant, but that's a story for another day! 

For me it was so difficult to eat well during pregnancy through all my food aversions, then when my eldest was born I didn't make anytime to cook or look after myself. I was grabbing convenience food and... well you know what happened next. I was walking back from the shops one day and decided to walk up the hill instead of the flatter route. I was knackered! I took a break and looked up a local slimming world group. I'd been before years ago and knew I liked the style. There was a group that started in half an hour. Well I power walked home, got straight in the car with my 5 month old and drove to the group. They were so welcoming and I was so excited to tell my husband when he got home. 

7 months later and through my roller coaster of losses, gains, maintains and a change in group, I got to target - just in time for Christmas too! I was over the moon and felt great in my new figure. Fast forwards a couple of months and I was pregnant with our second. Having got to target, I saw my pregnancy as a bit of a free pass - something I am regretting now, but working on. I am not really too sure why I didn't just follow the plan, or even mostly stick to it to minimise the damage. I was in my first trimester when we went into our first lockdown, so maybe the lack of group support affected my decision?

This is now my second time properly on my journey with Slimming World. I joined this time in when my youngest was nearly 2 months old. I have had a rockier journey this time (Lockdowns haven't helped - I am really motivated by my group and although I joined in on the weekly Zoom sessions, it just wasn't the same for me personally), but I am so motivated to get to my target weight and am looking forward to keeping it off this time!! 

Some people worry about dieting when breastfeeding, but actually this is possibly the biggest perk when doing Slimming World. For those of you have been before you will know that you get so many Healthy Extra's which are essentially your daily dairy and fibre allowance - well if you're breastfeeding then you have a larger allowance each day. I actually found it easier to start whilst breastfeeding because of this, then adjust and reduce as you start weaning your baby. 

Slimming World has really helped me on my journey, which is why I wanted to share my journey, meals and tips I have found along the way. Most of my meals are also family friendly too - my 2.5 year old and 11 month old eat mostly what we eat (although it may be prepared or served differently according to their age). If you need age appropriate edits/serving suggestions please ask, although I will try to add this in to each post too. 

I hope you enjoy the food posts. Let me know if you've been inspired to make anything and how it turns out.

Find me on Instagram for photos and inspiration @mummyflett.does.slimmingworld 💛

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