It's normal to gain some weight during pregnancy, but what happens when it's still there weeks and months after? Well this was me! In fact I probably could have shifted a few before I got pregnant, but that's a story for another day! For me it was so difficult to eat well during pregnancy through all my food aversions, then when my eldest was born I didn't make anytime to cook or look after myself. I was grabbing convenience food and... well you know what happened next. I was walking back from the shops one day and decided to walk up the hill instead of the flatter route. I was knackered! I took a break and looked up a local slimming world group. I'd been before years ago and knew I liked the style. There was a group that started in half an hour. Well I power walked home, got straight in the car with my 5 month old and drove to the group. They were so welcoming and I was so excited to tell my husband when he got home. 7 months later and through my roller coaster o...
MummyFlett follows our family lifestyle and journey.